Cenicaña is part of two of the four alliances selected this year in the Colombia Scientific program, an initiative of the National Government to improve the quality of higher education through alliances that lead research projects that respond to the needs of the productive sector.

The alliances are made up of national higher education institutions (HEIs) with high-quality institutional accreditation, national HEIs without accreditation and entities from the productive sector (company and research or technological development center), in which each partner contributes resources and capacities to the development of projects from scientific research, technological development and / or innovation.

The alliances in which Cenicaña participates and which were selected in the Colciencias call are:

  1. Energy sustainability of the Colombian industrial and transport sectors, through the use of regional renewable resources. Project: Evaluation of processes of densification of agricultural residue (RAC) of sugar cane suitable for use as a renewable energy source.
  2. Multiscale In-silico Optimization of Sustainable Agricultural Crops (infrastructure and validation in rice and sugar cane). Projects: Infrastructure for the extraction and analysis of gene sequences; metabolic profiles and predictive models of cell signaling routes to identify their participation in the response to biotic and abiotic stresses in plants, greater efficiency in the use of resources, greater adaptation to climate change, greater resistance to diseases and a lower environmental footprint.

Information Letter | OCT 2018: 3  PDF version