The Valle del Cauca Technical Agroclimatic Table (MTA) held its first face-to-face meeting in 2022 with the purpose of learning about the climate prospects for the May-June-July quarter, socializing the experiences of MTAs from other regions of the country, addressing tools for strengthen capacities in climatology and consolidate recommendations so that the agricultural sectors adopt preventive measures that minimize the impact on their production systems.
The meeting took place at the Cenicaña experimental station and included presentations by representatives of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Government of Valle del Cauca, IDEAM, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Valle del Cauca, Finagro and the Cenicaña AgroClimatic Service.
The MTA meetings are spaces for dialogue and analysis between local, national and regional actors, which seek to understand the possible behavior of the climate based on scientific information and empirical knowledge, and generate recommendations to reduce the risks associated with climate variability in the agricultural sector.
The recommendations that were shared during this meeting will be included in the No. 6 edition of the Regional Agroclimatic Bulletin, which will include climate projections for the May-June-July period and recommendations for planting, fertilization, sanitary and harvest management for crops such as rice, corn, sugar cane, coffee, citrus, pineapple, blackberry, avocado, among others, and for the livestock sector (cattle, pigs and poultry)
The Agroclimatic Bulletin issued by the MTA will be available from May 15 and can be consulted on the website of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries of Valle del Cauca and Cenicaña.

The General Director of Cenicaña, Dr. Freddy Garcés, highlighted the importance of the MTA of Valle del Cauca, during this meeting that brought together representatives of national and international, public and private entities in the region. #AgroclimaticTechnicalMesa@CvcEnvironmental
- Cenicaña (@cenicana) May 9, 2022