Economic calculations reveal that between 2006 and 2012 the variety CC 93-4418 increased the profits of the agro-industry.

The variety CC 93-4418 arose from an investigation that began in 1991 with the induction of flowering of the progenitors Mex 64-1487 and MZC 74-275; it was selected in state I in 1993 at Ingenio Sancarlos and concluded in 2005 with the results of the workforce and two socas from five regional tests.
Agronomic characteristics
Germination is a bit slow at first and ends up being uniform and adequate. It is erect and of vigorous growth, with a tillering between 12-15 stems per vine. Flowering is little or no.
Business data evaluation
An analysis of commercial data carried out by Cenicaña showed that compared to the varieties CC 84-75 and CC 85-92 (the two with the most participation in the planted area in 2012), CC 93-4418 achieves a higher sugar production and utility, For both the mill and the supplier, regardless of whether they are paid by tonnage or by performance.
Based on commercial information on the lots harvested between 2006 and 2012, it was determined that suppliers and mills increased their profit by 50%, thanks, among other reasons, to the technological development of new varieties with a management of AEPS (see illustration 1) .
Furthermore, if one takes into account that as of December 2012 CC 93-4418 was planted in only 8% (18,067 ha) of the total area devoted to sugar cane, the chances that the sector will increase its productivity are greater if sows in 20% of the area, percentage recommended by Cenicaña for one of the four main varieties (see illustration 2).

“Given the need to have more varieties in the commercial range, we are betting on CC 93-4418, a variety that has proven to have very good economic profitability due to the high TSH values that it achieves due to its excellent results in TCH and Sucrose. For the 2013 renewal programs in Riopaila Castilla, 55% of the area is expected to be planted with this variety ”.
Gustavo Barona
Agricultural Technology Manager, Riopaila Castilla
Health and recommendations
- It is resistant to the main diseases that attack the cultivation of sugar cane in the Cauca river valley, including coal, brown rust, orange rust and mosaic rust. The incidence of leaf scald (LSD), soca rickets and yellow leaf virus has remained low.
- It is susceptible to yellow aphids under conditions of water stress and at a cane age between 1 and 4 months.
- It is intermediate to stem borers Diatraea spp. It is necessary to carry out evaluations of the damage and release of natural enemies.
- It is susceptible to sugarcane spittle. It is required to use sampling methods such as yellow sticky traps or adult and saliva monitoring on plants.
Other evaluations
Field, harvest and factory evaluations of the CC 93-4418 variety show that, compared to the CC 85-92 control, the first variety shows greater cutting efficiencies due to its soft, erect stems, good defoliation and easy picking .
The erect stem condition allows better accommodation in the wagons and consequently the loading capacity of the wagons is increased.
Also, first-draw juice quality is better with CC 93-4418 than CC 85-92.
GTT Questions
What does it mean for a variety to be resistant?
A variety is said to be resistant when it has the ability, genetically inherited, to limit to a certain degree or completely the effect or action of a pathogen or pest in a given environment, without significantly affecting its productivity.
The degree of resistance is related to the level of damage caused or the presence of the disease in the plant. In such a way, that when the productivity of the plant is significantly affected, it would be talking about susceptibility.
The concept of resistance, and also of susceptibility, is not absolute. Terms such as susceptible, moderately or moderately susceptible, moderately or moderately resistant and highly resistant are used to characterize the varieties in relation to the presence of a disease or pest.
Pathogens and insects are in permanent evolution and can develop capacities through genetic mutation or recombination with which they can affect varieties that had previously been considered resistant.
Therefore, despite the genetic resistance of a variety to a certain pest or disease, it cannot be exposed to areas where its pressure is high. Furthermore, the use of resistant varieties does not exonerate the grower from making permanent evaluations of the pathogen, vectors or pest insects, in addition to the management of residues in the field and releases of beneficial insects.