Quarterly Letter, 2 and 3 of 2004

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v.26. April-September.

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Technical and informative notes
News at www.cenicana.org
New alternatives for the industrial use of sugar cane waste
Outbreak of Caligo illioneus in the valley of the Cauca river
Research advances
New sugarcane varieties: a constant challenge. The results of the first cut of the regional trials of CC varieties of the 93 and 94 series suggest the best forecasts
Climate and sugar production in the Cauca River Valley, first half of 2004
Progress in the detailed study of soils in the areas planted with sugar cane in the Cauca River Valley
Industrial cogeneration for the Colombian sugar sector introducing and applying the ESCO approach
Activities with Technology Transfer groups, first semester of 2004
Climatological bulletin: second quarter, first half of 2004
Editorial news

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