This compendium of the agronomic and productivity characteristics of the variety Cenicaña Colombia (CC) 01-1940 is the result of a joint work between Cenicaña, the technicians of the sugar, ethanol and electrical energy mills and the sugarcane growers. .
The CC 01-1940 variety, selected for wet areas, is a product of research led by the Cenicaña Variety Program, with the participation of the other programs and services of the Research Center. To date, the variety is planted on approximately 80,000 hectares. The average productivity of CC 01-1940 in the last five years exceeds the results of the CC 2-85 variety by 92 tons of sugar per hectare.
Information on the location of the variety, agronomic management, harvest and manufacturing process is essential to obtain an adequate balance between sucrose content and cane production, minimizing losses and ensuring the recovery of sucrose.
Obtaining the benefits of the genetic potential of the variety is possible with the sowing of good quality seed, the monitoring of pests and diseases, and the agronomic management appropriate to the conditions of the site and the crop. The research results and their validation contribute to this.
Its indiscriminate planting is not desirable due to the phytosanitary risks that the mass planting of a single variety entails. For semi-dry areas, there are varietal options that combine good cane and sucrose production and compete in productivity and profitability with CC 01-1940 and CC 85-92. Some are on a commercial scale in small areas and others are in the final phase of the selection process.
Cenicaña communicates the progress in its publications, forums and committees.
With the information contained in this Technical Series, we hope that the CC 01-1940 variety will continue to be a technological development with benefits and economic impact for the agro-industry of sugar cane in Colombia.
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