Brief, jul.2015

Claudia Marcela Franco, researcher of the Cenicaña Varieties program, was recognized with the award for Best Young Scientist last June at the workshop on genetic improvement and molecular biology of sugar cane of the International Society of Sugar Technologists (ISSCT) on the island of Reunion, French department, located on the Indian Ocean.

Cenicaña Researcher Recognition

Claudia Marcela Franco, researcher of the Cenicaña Varieties program, was recognized with the award for Best Young Scientist last June at the workshop on genetic improvement and molecular biology of sugar cane of the International Society of Sugar Technologists (ISSCT) on the island of Reunion, French department, located on the Indian Ocean.

At the beginning of the year, Cenicaña also participated in the meeting of the International Biotechnology Consortium and in the Plant and Animal Genome Conference 2015, which took place in San Diego, California, USA, in which the Colombian sugarcane agribusiness Sugar presented the advances of research in biotechnology and bioinformatics.

Conservancy provides resources to monitor sediments

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Cenicaña signed a cooperation agreement last May with the aim of supporting the development of research on monitoring the impacts of the conservation actions of the Water for Life and Sustainability Fund (FAPVS).

The resources will be used in activities to monitor sediments in water for irrigation in the Aguaclara sub-basin of the Bolo River. Specifically, investments will be made in the measurements of the parameter in the field and in the laboratory, in personnel and in other requirements of the activity.

Research groups, in measurement of Colciencias

Three Cenicaña research groups were recognized by Colciencias in the last group measurement carried out by this state entity with the purpose of evaluating national research, with emphasis on the quality of products derived from science, technology and innovation activities.

The recognized research groups were Sugar Processes, Site Specific Agriculture and High Stable Sucrose Macroproject.

For the 2014 measurement report, Cenicaña had the timely support of the mills regarding the declaration of use of the technological products of the Research Center.

Mission of seven US universities

Representatives of seven United States universities visited the Cenicaña Experimental Station facilities on May 21, as part of an exploratory mission organized by the embassy of that country in order to specify ideas to establish a program to support the development of Colombian agriculture.

The visit, as reported by the embassy, ​​is part of the United States' commitment to Colombia with the peace process and support for the post-conflict.

The delegation was made up of representatives from Purdue, California, Washington, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida and Texas A&M universities.

Information letter
3 Year / 1 Number / July of 2015

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