Brief, Aug. 2017

The Colombian Entomology Society (Socolen) awarded the 2017 Hernán Alcaráz Viecco National Entomology Award to the work of Geostatistical Cenicaña applied to a preventive sampling method for the management of Diatraea spp.

National Prize for Cenicaña

The Colombian Entomology Society (Socolen) awarded him the 2017 Hernán Alcaráz Viecco National Entomology Award for the work of Cenicaña Geostatistics applied to a preventive sampling method for the management of Diatraea spp.

The work was presented by Gerson D. Ramírez, Germán A. Vargas and Claudia Eccheverri, from the Entomology area, and Fabio Herrera, from Geomática.

Likewise, in the Apolinar María Brother Prize, category 'Natural Option', the work Strips of natural vegetation: strategy to promote ant conservation and connectivity in sugar cane landscapes. Presented by Leonardo Fabio Rivera (Cenicaña), Kimberly Navarro-Vélez and Inge Armbrecht (Univalle) obtained the first place.

Ceniprof Training

Last June, about 20 mechanical and chemical engineers from the sugar mills gathered in Cenicaña for a training and updating day in the management of the Ceniprof version 2.0 program.

This tool developed by the Research Center simulates and designs scenarios based on material and energy balances to determine the consumption of raw materials, inputs and energy, investment scenarios, operating efficiencies, and global and specific performance indicators by area.

During the day, experiences on the use of the program were exchanged, the handling of the components was recalled and improvement projections were presented.

Information letter 
Year 5 / Number 1 / August 2017

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