Phytosanitary threats to musaceae: beyond LA race 4 Tropical, Aug 14, 2020

During the Webinar, we will talk about:

  • Musaceae (plantains and bananas) are synonymous with food security and livelihoods for more than 400 million people in the world. The tropical race 4 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc R4T) is undoubtedly the biggest phytosanitary threat to the sector worldwide, but it is not the only one. This conference will address the main quarantine diseases of Musaceae, emphasizing diagnosis, epidemiology and management options.

This event is organized by the Colombian Association of Plant Pathology and Related Sciences - ascolfi.
Hosted by Cenicaña.


miguel angel dita rodriguez

Ing. Agrónomo, M.Sc. in Plant Biotechnology, Central University of Las Villas Cuba. Ph. Phytopathology Federal University of Vicosa Brazil. Post-doctorate in Plant Biotechnology. Institute of Sustainable Agriculture (IAS-CSIC), Spain Post-doctorate in Molecular Phytopathology, Wageningen University Holland

Senior Alliance Bioversity International -CIAT. Cali, Colombia

Webinar Series - Cenicaña. 2020

Date: Aug 14, 2020
Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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