Cenicaña recommends evaluating and adopting any of the following irrigation options for areas with certain types of soil.
Flat area floors:
{tab Fine texture to fine frank}
- Pulse irrigation with PVC pipe with gates or polyclibs instead of irrigation ditches. With this system the water saving is 400 m3 / ha / irrigation and increase the irrigation yield by 21% and the effective cultivation area by 150 m2 / ha, which represents approximately 200 kg of sugar / ha.
- Irrigation with reduced flow with PVC pipe with floodgates or designed for the system.
- Localized low cost irrigation by installing tapes, hoses with holes or tapes with drippers to the pipe with gates. This alternative is especially recommended for sandy or stony strips that are very common in lots in the region, therefore, if adopting pulse or reduced flow irrigation, combine these systems with low-cost localized irrigation. In sandy or stony areas it is recommended to incorporate cachaza and compost, in order to improve the physical condition of the soil and increase its water retention capacity.
- Conventional drip irrigation.
- Sprinkler irrigation with cannons, as long as the equipment is in good condition and has no water leaks. It is especially recommended for germination risks and up to four months, since it allows the application of controlled irrigation sheets of 30-40 mm.
{tab Coarse to coarse candid texture}
- Localized low-cost irrigation with tapes, hoses with holes or tapes with drippers installed to the designed pipe or, failing that, to PVC pipe with gates.
- Conventional drip irrigation.
- Sprinkler irrigation with cannons, as long as the equipment is in good condition and has no water leaks.
- Sprinkler irrigation with traveler cannon.
- Sprinkler irrigation with central pivot or rectilinear pivot.
{/ Tabs}
Piedmont area floors:
{tab Fine to frank texture}
- Irrigation with reduced flow using PVC pipe with gates or designed for the system. This alternative of irrigation with flows between 0.1 and 0.3 l / s applied by alternate groove in templates or alternate alternate groove in socas allows to keep the productions and water savings of 40%. The system is recommended in grooves without sudden changes in slope and with soils with a predominance of fine textures, although with some stone content. Entresurcos can be shaped as a V.
- Localized low cost irrigation by installing tapes, hoses with holes or tapes with drippers to the pipe with gates. This alternative is especially recommended for sandy or stony strips. In soils with high stone content, the combined irrigation of reduced flow and drip with ring filter has a low cost and has allowed to increase cane production.
- Conventional drip irrigation.
- Sprinkler irrigation with cannons, as long as the equipment is in good condition and has no water leaks. In Piedmont this system can use the slope of the land to generate the hydraulic load necessary for its efficiency and obtain significant savings in the cost of irrigation.
- It is recommended to adopt fertigation, especially for the modalities of drip irrigation, sprinkling, pulses and reduced flow.
{tab Coarse to coarse candid texture}
- Localized low-cost irrigation with tapes, hoses with holes or tapes with drippers installed to the designed pipe or, failing that, to PVC pipe with gates.
- Conventional drip irrigation.
- Sprinkler irrigation with cannons, as long as the equipment is in good condition and has no water leaks. In piedemonte areas sprinkler irrigation can use the slope of the land to generate the hydraulic load necessary for the system, which can result in significant savings in the cost of irrigation.
- It is recommended to adopt fertigation, especially for drip and sprinkler irrigation modalities.
{/ Tabs}
Note that:
In furrow irrigation
- Where the length of the groove exceeds 150 m, it is advisable to divide the groove in two to install the PVC pipe with gates or poly-tubular gaps in a meter wide.
- For any modality it is necessary to level the fields precisely on two slopes and form the trapeze-shaped entresurcos with a broad base with two ditches on the side and side of the base, in order to improve the progress of the water and bring the water closer to the crop root zone.
Additional information
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Agronomy Program Water Management Area Ricardo Cruz V. Armando Campos Fanny Hoyos V.
Agronomy Program Water Management Area Ricardo Cruz V., jrcruz@cenicana.org Armando Campos, acampos@cenicana.org Edgar Hincapié, ehincapie@cenicana.org Fanny Hoyos V., fhoyos@cenicana.org
{/ Source}