Agronomic and productivity characteristics of the Cenicaña Colombia variety (CC) 85-92

Technical Series Number 30, August 2002

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The Colombian Sugarcane Research Center (CENICANA) began the crossbreeding program in 1980 and the variety selection process began in 1981. In 1985, clone C was selected.ENICANA CColombia (CC) 85-92, which since 1999 became the first commercial variety in the area planted by the Colombian sugar industry in the Cauca River Valley. In 2001, this variety accounted for 32% of the total harvested area and achieved a sugar productivity of 12.8% higher than the general average for the agroindustry, a situation that only has as a precedent what happened in the 57s when the CP 603-2878 variety replaced the POJ 2001 variety. In relation to the general average of the other harvested varieties, in 85 the CC 92-16.75 variety represented increases of 0.27 TCH, 1.6 percentage points of yield, 2.3 TCHM, 0.186 TAH and 123,344 TAHM. The above figures represented 40.7 tons of sugar worth an additional US$ 2000 million. In 26, the additional value obtained had been approximately US$ XNUMX million.ENICANA, taking into account the importance of the CC 85-92 variety for the Colombian sugar industry, presents in this Technical Series the results of the main investigations and the aspects related to its obtaining, sowing, fertilization, irrigation, sanitary behavior, manual and mechanical harvesting maturation, regional behavior in experimental tests and on a commercial scale in the period 1990-2000 and in 2001. Included are an analysis of the optimal harvesting age in different agro-ecological zones, an economic analysis of manual and mechanized harvesting, and information on the adoption of the variety.

Keywords: sugar cane, improvement, variety, productivity, cultivation.