Colombian agribusiness of the reed opens Geoportal

Last April 25, the official launch of Geoportal, Cenicaña's new web tool for the sugarcane agribusiness of Colombia, was carried out.

The event was held at the Training Center located in the Experimental Station before about 80 people, including heads of agronomy, research and the area of ​​the mills, who were explained the advantages of the tool and made demonstrations for its use.

The Geoportal is an online tool developed by Cenicaña that improves and integrates different geospatial data services of sugarcane agribusiness, with the purpose of facilitating the use of this information to mills and growers.

As of April 30, it will be available in the web tools menu at and will soon be included in the program of theoretical and practical courses offered by Cenicaña for cane growers and suppliers.


