Global agreements that compromise the sugar sector

Colombia is preparing to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. A task for everyone.

It is estimated that if carbon dioxide concentrations in the world continue with the same current growth rate, an average warming between 2 ° C - 4,5 ° C would occur.

For this reason, last December, 195 nations, through the Paris Agreement, pledged to ensure that in this century the increase in temperature remains below 2 ° C.

Colombia, as one of the signatory countries, pledged to reduce 20% of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 with energy efficiency measures, technological innovation, behavior changes and fuel substitution.

Management in this sense has already begun and linked to the sugarcane agribusiness, through an agreement between the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Sustainable Development so that different productive unions carry out projects to improve adaptation to climate change in the agricultural sector.

As part of this agreement, Cenicaña developed a climate projection for the Cauca River Valley sugar sector for the first half of 2016 and dynamic models were developed to forecast the behavior of different climatological variables.

This, however, is just one of the many steps that agribusiness is taking in that direction. A good start is the construction of a baseline to determine the carbon footprint of the sector. There we go.


Colombia is responsible for 0.46% of global emissions, caused mainly by deforestation, transportation, energy, waste and agriculture, according to the GHG inventory prepared by Ideam.

Information letter
Year 4 / Number 2 / April 2016

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