About Cenicaña

Institutional profile

Cenicaña is a private, non-profit corporation, founded in 1977 at the initiative of the Association of Sugar Cane Growers of Colombia, Asocaña, and financed with donations of sugar mills and cane suppliers located in the Cauca River Valley.

Its financing resources correspond to direct donations made by the Carmelita sugar mills, West, Incauca, La Cabaña, Manuelita, María Luisa, Mayagüez, Pichichí, Providencia, Riopaila-Castilla, Risaralda and Sancarlos, and their cane suppliers. It also carries out projects co-financed by other entities, especially within the framework of programs coordinated by Colciencias, and offers specialized services to sugar cane mills and growers.

Cenicaña has a team of more than 200 collaborators, including researchers and professionals, assistants, operational support personnel and apprentices who are committed to generating knowledge and technologies for the sugarcane agribusiness sector in Colombia, to contribute to its development and sustainability

The Center favors innovation in agribusiness by managing research and development projects in line with the strategic planning of the productive sector. He directs research programs in varietiesagronomy y factory processes, and specialized services in information and documentation, computer technology, economic and statistical analysis, technical cooperation and technology transfer.

In its sectorial support functions, Cenicaña administers the Automated Meteorological Network and the PM-10 Network of the sugar agribusiness in the Cauca River Valley. It attends the import requests for varieties to Colombia and provides propagation and multiplication services for varieties, soil and leaf tissue analysis, phytopathological inspection in the field and laboratory, diagnosis of sugarcane diseases, and information and documentation.

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