In Cenicaña we take measures, but we do not stop
In times of mandatory preventive isolation we are responsible with our collaborators, users and the community, that's why we continue to offer some services
with small variations to help prevent the spread of Covid-19
- The training program will restart in April in a virtual way. Watch for updates to available courses.
- Library services will be offered exclusively by phone and / or virtual channels (mail and web).
- The reception of samples for disease diagnosis, leaf and soil tissue analysis continues on its usual schedule, exclusively at the Cenicaña experimental station.
- The dispatch of varieties for the establishment of healthy seedbeds will normally continue in the Cenicaña experimental station.
Care channels:
WhatsApp: + 573226746944
Note: By order of the National Government, through Decree 457 of March 22, 2020, our team of collaborators is in mandatory preventive isolation. Work shifts have been organized to offer these services, the rest of the staff
works from home.
(For the reception of samples and delivery of results or plant material, measures have been adopted additional prevention and care)
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