Irrigation with reduced flow

Low flow irrigation is an irrigation method that applies low flow rates per furrow that vary between 0.1 L / s and 1 L / s.

Irrigation with reduced flow is a high frequency gravity irrigation system, with permanent application of water in small flows at the head of the furrows. This technology is an alternative for irrigation management in areas cultivated with sugar cane where the soils present fine or clay textures, especially in those areas where the availability of water for irrigation is scarce.

This method of irrigation can be adapted to existing irrigation systems such as rigid tubing, poly-tubular pipes, and can also be combined with drip irrigation.

The complete installation of a irrigation system with reduced flow It can be made with low-cost materials, such as recycled polyethylene pipes and PVC pressure pipes, sanitary, telephone and electrical pipes, or with PVC pipes for agricultural use.

Before implementing this technology, it is essential to water advance and infiltration tests to establish the viability of the system on site.

Irrigation with reduced flow in foothills

This method of irrigation with reduced flow was developed by Cenicaña to provide the sugar cane crop with the water it needs for its optimal development. This irrigation technology has been shown to be “non-erosive” and, as it is a high frequency application irrigation, in the piedmont area it has obtained the highest responses in crop productivity, surpassing traditional irrigation systems.

Irrigation with reduced flow in flat area

Irrigation with reduced flow has been successfully tested on cane crops established in the flat areas of the Cauca river valley, on fine textured soils, where production and water costs comparable to traditional furrow irrigation have been obtained.

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