


International Seminar on Sustainable Soil Management

Starting today and until next Friday, August 26, 2022, this event is being held as part of an agreement between the CVC and Cenicaña to join efforts that contribute to sustainable soil management in Valle del Cauca.

San Antonio de los Caballeros, Florida, August 24, 2022. Between August 24 and 26, 2022, the International Land Management Seminar will be held at the Club de Ejecutivos de Cali, a knowledge transfer event around practices good management of stillage and alternative uses in Valle del Cauca.

The Seminar is organized by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Valle del Cauca (CVC) and the Colombian Sugar Cane Research Center (Cenicaña), as part of association agreement 246 of 2021, which has the purpose of joining efforts to strengthen knowledge of the soil resource from the points of view of regulations, ecosystem services and sustainable management practices, among others.

The International Seminar on Soil Management includes an academic agenda with national and international speakers who will address issues such as soil management, what are the regulations and plans for the sustainable management of this resource at a national and departmental level.

The perspectives of adaptation to climate variability will also be addressed, from the point of view of the soil resource, experiences in stillage management, and techniques and tools for soil management, among others.

The general director of Cenicaña, Freddy Fernando Garcés, highlighted the holding of this event that is part of the components of the association agreement with the CVC because it will strengthen and promote the management of knowledge and information to guide and support decision-making regarding ecosystems and soil and water resources, especially.

“Through this event we seek to promote the transfer of knowledge that is essential for the adoption of information capture and analysis technologies that will contribute to a more sustainable management of crops such as sugar cane. This is our main goal here. Learn about experiences from other industries, research results and technological advances so that, as an agro-industry and a department with a broad agricultural vocation, we can expand our knowledge about water and soil resources to advance more quickly and efficiently in the implementation of innovative processes in the management of sugarcane cultivation”, he pointed out.

Cenicaña is a private non-profit corporation that generates knowledge and develops technologies around sugarcane to contribute to the innovation processes of the sugarcane agroindustry and to the progress of the region. It is part of the network of research centers in the country and tries to maintain permanent collaboration with other productive sectors.

See here the intervention of the General Director of Cenicaña, Freddy Fernando Garcés, during the
event setup.


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