Use and applications of networks in the sugarcane industry | On-line

For registrations click here Use and applications of the networks: Automated Meteorological Network (RMA) Real Time Kinematic Network (RTK) or Network for precision geographic positioning Network Internet Of Things (IoT) or Internet of Things Network In video Memory of the event


GTT-CA | Monitoring and maintenance of drainage and protection works

Virtual training Cali, Colombia. (UTC -5), Colombia

This event is aimed at sugarcane growers, suppliers of the Incauca Sugar Mill. During the OnLine event, we will be talking about: Drainage management in fields cultivated with sugar cane Protection works for flood prevention Go to registration page On video Event report

Timely irrigation using the prioritized Water Balance version 4.0. | On-line

Virtual training Cali, Colombia. (UTC -5), Colombia

During the OnLine event, we will be talking about: The Water Balance is a tool promoted by Cenicaña, useful for scheduling irrigation in a timely manner in sugarcane cultivation. This tool considers variables such as precipitation, irrigation and Rapidly Useable Water Sheet (LARA). Duration: 60 minutes (OnLine event) Dedication: Additional to the OnLine event, 60 minutes of work […]

Irrigation administrative control (CAR): What should I measure? | On-line.

Learning Objectives: At the end of the training, participants will be able to: Know the different methods of measuring water flow. Carry out the measurement of water flow per furrow and per irrigation front. Estimate the water advance time and the irrigated area per irrigation front. Calculate the volume of water applied […]


Irrigation management indicators | CAR - M2

During the training, we will be talking about: In this event we will address Module 2 (M2) of the virtual training: Administrative Irrigation Control (CAR). We will learn about some of the irrigation quality indicators and reference values ​​that provide important information to identify immediate actions and short and medium-term decisions to be more efficient […]


Product launch: Cenicristal.

Virtual training Cali, Colombia. (UTC -5), Colombia

Join us to see how this new web tool works that allows you to obtain reliable crystal size results given its robust calibration and image processing algorithm that eliminates and corrects factors that negatively affect the measurement, such as: conglomerate crystals, located on the edges of the image or distorted. Go to registration page In video Memoriadel […]

Ceniprof 3.0 | M1. Analysis of preparation and extraction processes.

Virtual training Cali, Colombia. (UTC -5), Colombia

Description This training presents the most relevant aspects of the use of the Ceniprof 3.0 process simulation software aimed at the analysis of factory processes in the production process of white, refined sugar and ethanol. The main benefits of the new version of the tool are highlighted to facilitate the analysis […]