Integra | Calculation of sugarcane production costs

During the event, we will discuss: Key definitions of costs in cultivation, and we will hold a workshop to record the economic activities of the process. Who is it for: Speakers Diana Quiceno Extensionist Integra Program, Cenicaña Agricultural Engineer. Juan Carlos Mancera Extensionist Integra Program, Cenicaña Agricultural Engineer.  


Integra | Integrated weed management

During the event, we will talk about: The importance of field recognition of the main weeds in sugarcane, the interference of weeds in the crop and aspects of integrated management. Who is it addressed to: Exhibitors: Diana Quiceno Extensionist of the Cenicaña Integra Program Agricultural engineer. Sergio Herrera Research assistant of the agronomy program of […]


Integra | Soil conservation and moisture

During the event we will discuss: The importance of conducting a field survey under optimal conditions for proper soil management and wet tilling, as well as knowing precisely the proper design of the field, optimizing the harvesting process and guaranteeing more efficient results. Who is it for: Registration process and […]
