


Comprehensive rural development commitment for northern Cauca

Annual reports

In-person events.

Event objective:

Within the framework of the agreement between Cenicaña and Asocaña, we have successfully carried out four training events focused on sugarcane cultivation, providing valuable knowledge to a group of technicians and young people from the northern Cauca region. These workshops addressed essential topics such as: varieties for panela production, seed acquisition and management, main diseases and pests that attack sugarcane crops, plant nutrition, integrated weed management and harvest quality.

This effort is part of the project “Commitment to Comprehensive Rural Development for Northern Cauca”, whose objective is to unite efforts to strengthen small producers. Through the implementation of good practices and business strengthening, we seek to contribute to improving the quality of life in the region. Together, we are building a more sustainable future for our farmers.

Below you will find a breakdown of the activities carried out per day:

October 3, 2024 to October 16, 2024 | 8:00 am – 12:30 am

3-octObtaining plant material and diseases of sugarcane crops.
● Main varieties for panela production. Theoretical – Practical (Varieties CC 11-600 and CC 93 7711).
● Description, importance and recognition of the main diseases that affect the crop.
● Theoretical seedbed establishment: Sowing on slopes (spacing, sowing depth). Regrowth: obtaining seeds and replanting them.
● Establishment of seedbeds, Practice: Seed cutting, package formation, seed treatment, seed quality, bud evaluation, Agronomic evaluation (population, diameter and height of stems).
Carlos Arturo Viveros, Lederson Ganan, Juan Carlos Angel, Juan Camilo Vivares, Eliana Andrea Rincon.
8-octPlant Health.
● Replanting (measurement of height and diameter).
● Main pests that attack the crop.
● Integrated management of Diatraea spp.
● Practice: Recognition of Diatraea species and assessment of damage by borers, release.
● Integrated spittlebug control.
● Workshop on evaluation and monitoring of spittlebugs in traps and stems.
Carlos Arturo Viveros, Jerson Ramirez, Claudia Echeverri, Carolina Camargo.
15-octVegetal Nutricion
● Let's get to know the soil: Types of soil, texture, moisture regime, effective depth and notions of agroecological zoning. Theory and Practice. Soil management and conservation practices. Nutrient requirements of sugar cane. Sampling in the field. Chemical and organic fertilization.
● Microorganisms and conservation practices.
Edgar Hincapie, Julian Masmela.
16-octIntegrated management of weeds, water resources and sugarcane harvest and quality.
● Definition and types of weeds. Economic losses due to weeds in sugar cane. Types of control. Field practice: Calibration of a backpack sprayer. Hydrology – Impact on production, precipitation measurement system, basic records and tensiometers.
● Effect of residence time and foreign matter on cane quality.
Milena Quintero, Edgar Hincapie, Alejandro Estrada.
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