2017 annual reportBy Cenicaña / 5 April 2018 ← Go to Annual Report See document: Download PDF 2017 annual report Message from the member of the Board of Directors 2017–2018César Augusto Arango IsazaReport from the general director of CenicañaÁlvaro Amaya EstevezThe weather in the Cauca river valley 2017Production and productivity of agribusinessField ObservationsFactory ObservationsProductivity projection 2018Observations on the accumulation of sucrose in the caneVariety programPromote the adoption of Cenicaña Colombia varietiesDevelop new varietiesImprove the development of varieties with biotechnologyIncrease productivity with healthy cropsPlant health servicesAgronomy ProgramImprove the efficiency in the use of water for irrigationPreserve natural resourcesImprove production with more precise workCATE: Cut cane, moose, transport and factory deliveryImprove efficiency in harvesting and transporting caneInnovate with technologies with lower environmental impactFactory Process ProgramImprove efficiency in sugar productionImprove efficiency in energy cogenerationImprove efficiency in ethanol production Innovate for diversificationImplement actions that contribute to sustainabilityLaboratory servicesEconomic and Statistical Analysis ServiceFind alternatives for a more competitive agribusinessAnalyze conditions to improve productivity and profitabilitySupport with information the decisions of agribusiness and scientific researchTechnical Cooperation and Technology Transfer ServiceKnow the market to promote technological innovationPromote the adoption of sustainable practicesValidate the advantages of the AEPS approach with growers and millsDisseminate to promote innovationComputer Technology ServiceGuarantee the data quality of agribusiness networksDevelop new tools to be more sustainable and efficientInformation and Documentation Service of the Sugar CaneOffer updated information to the agribusinessProtect the intellectual production of agribusinessAnnexAppendixReferencesAcronyms, acronyms and abbreviations ← Go to Collection: Annual report Save as PDF HFS Post Views: 1.801