In 2014 Cenicaña will premiere treatment plant and laboratories

The new facilities ratify the institution's environmental commitment and guarantee better service to users.

With the purpose of adjusting to environmental requirements and offering a better service to suppliers and mills, as of 2014 Cenicaña has a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and new facilities for sugarcane, chemical and foliar analysis laboratories. , soil physics, microbiology, phytopathology and physiology.

The works plan was conceived to be developed in four stages with an approximate duration of one year. The first three concluded in December 2013 and the fourth culminates at the end of March 2014.

The first stage included the construction of the WWTP and the cane analysis laboratory that has a mill, milling areas and soil preparation. The new laboratory for chemistry, physiology, soil physics and the new Process Laboratory of the Factory Program are included in this stage.

Regarding the WWTP, Einar Anderson, administrative director of the Center, explained that this project arose from the need to adjust to the requirements of the CVC for the adequate and sustainable management of wastewater and rainwater, for this reason it was supervised permanent of the environmental authority.

With the construction of this plant it is guaranteed that all Cenicaña's wastewater will go directly to the WWTP to undergo a purification process and reuse it for irrigation or other field work. The rainwater, for its part, will be channeled towards the Párraga river.

The WWTP includes an external aqueduct network, expansion of the fire network, construction of a platform for washing pesticide pumps, pumping stations for rainwater and domestic wastewater.

In the second stage of the works plan, the chemistry laboratory was built; while in the third phase, facilities were adapted for the laboratories of foliar analysis, soil physics and physiology. The latter was necessary after the area was incorporated as part of Cenicaña's research programs.

Finally, the fourth stage includes the expansion of the microbiology and plant pathology laboratories. Along with these new buildings, it is planned to adapt the laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment to increase the processing of samples and improve response times.


Reception area and preparation of cane samples.
New facilities for the sugarcane analysis laboratory.
New Processes laboratories for the Sugarcane Factory and Analysis program.


The new constructions are conceived on the normative bases that govern good laboratory practices.

Information letter
Year 1 / Number 3 / December 2013

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